Affiche Récréation avec Les Trois Ourses
Récréation avec Les Trois Ourses

Within the framework of the exhibition Récréation (17 April to16 June 2019) the Villa Bernasconi is pleased to welcome Les Trois Ourses for some workshops.

Workshops and space especially designed from 8 to 26 April 2019

La Dépendance / Villa Bernasconi

Founded in 1988 by three passionate librarians, Odile Belkeddar, Élisabeth Lortic and Annie Mirabel, Les Trois Ourses has, for thirty years, led an innovative project on the book-as-object “conceived by artists for children”.  Books created by artists have been published and by the group.  Nourished by the riches flowing from daily contact with young people, the group has published and distributed artists’ creations.  The material resources of the books - form, design, colours - inspire wonder and stimulate creativity through play.

With the participation of Corraini Edizioni

Please check French page for the upcoming workshops.



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Copyright Coline Irwin
Les Chaises, Louise-Marie Cumont, photo © Anaïs Beaulieu / Les Trois Ourses
Bruno Munari, Vetrini (Proiezioni dirette), 1959, Courtesy Fondazione Jacqueline Vodoz e Bruno Danese, Photo © Roberto Marossi