Affiche Hécatombe design Schaffter Sahli
Hécatombe à la villa

Aude Barrio, Barbara Meuli, Yannis La Macchia, Antoine Fischer, Thomas Perrodin

For its annual exhibition featuring strip cartoons, the Villa Bernasconi has given carte blanche to Hécatombe, a publisher active in Geneva since 2004.  Hécatombe explores the many forms of drawn narrative and publishes printed and electronic work.  Five members of the collective of authors - Aude Barrio, Barbara Meuli, Yannis La Macchia, Antoine Fischer and Thomas Perrodin - have taken over the Villa for one month to present their current projects and ideas.  A catalogue of the collective works in situ will be presented during the closing reception.  

Meetings, readings and concerts are offered throughout the exhibition.

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